HODAG Outdoors Privacy & Terms

We do not distribute any personal information to third parties under any circumstances. The information we collect is used solely to process your order, and we are committed to protecting our customer's privacy.

Individuals that sign up to receive Hodag Outdoors email communications voluntarily provide us with contact information (such as name and email address). We may use this information for specific, limited purposes. You may always "opt out," either now or at any time in the future, if you do not wish to receive our messages.

Redeemer may use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and for statistical metrics used to track website visitor traffic.

Any data you enter and submit via efcb.org will always be transmitted securely using the latest Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption techniques. Our server is monitored quarterly to ensure that it complies with PCI security standards for data access and protection.

All designs, photographs, and images on this website and our products are copyrighted by HODAG Outdoors.

We use cookies to help us understand how visitors interact with our site and to provide media playback functionality.
By using hodagoutdoors.hodag.insourcedns.com you are giving your consent to our cookie policy.

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